Moving Forward after the 10th Anniversary

We thank God for last Sunday’s celebration of the church 10th anniversary. Everything went on smoothly like clock-work; many guests came and got to hear the God’s Word preached; the food was good; every item presented encouraged hearts. I want to thank all who planned and served. We have been very encouraged. Thank you! Especially moving were the many memories captured in the Power Point presentation: the church grew from a group of about 15 persons to today’s two congregations of about 80 persons. We also saw the baptisms of about 50 persons in the last 10 years. More importantly, the Lord has changed our lives and turned us from darkness into light. We have experienced the goodness and faithfulness of God in this church and our personal lives.

This is possible because many of you worked hard and made sacrifices, many of which are behind the scene. Above all, this is possible because God is the one who makes things happen, as Paul says, “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow” (1 Cor 3:7). Furthermore, God will remember you: “The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labour” (1 Cor 3:8). How should we move on from here?

John says, “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 John 4:11). We owe God a responsibility to love people: His people and people who are still outside God’s kingdom. Loving people is evidence that we know God, that is, we are truly Christians and that we have the life of God in us: “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and His love is made complete in us” (1 John 4:12). If you do not love people, you have little reason to believe you are a born-again Christian: “whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love” (1 John 4:8).

You cannot live a self-centred life. Do not just care for your own needs or that of your family members, you must also make time, that is, make sacrifices to care for people who worship in this church of which you are a part. When you hear of people in need: who are hospitalised, struggling with their studies, encountering difficulties in some areas of life, you must attempt to help them. Pray for them. Visit them. Write them a card of encouragement. Give practical help. This is love and love evidences you are child of God. This is also how you show gratitude to God who has loved you sacrificially when He sent His only Son Jesus to die for you.

If you love people, you cannot do nothing to save souls from the eternal fires of hell. Unless you do not believe in hell, how can you do nothing to save souls? We hope to move into our new premises before the end of this year, and I think, if God is willing, this will happen. A bigger sanctuary, more rooms, and more importantly, a church premise that is nearer the MRT and eateries with nice food. But what is the purpose of this move? It is not just to make life more enjoyable. We are moving so that we can better prosper gospel work: a new place where God’s people can meet together more comfortably so as to grow spiritually; a place that new friends can access more conveniently.

Let us not stop at rejoicing in the goodness of God for the last 10 years. Let us not just enjoy God’s goodness. Rather, let us also be grateful to God by loving our Lord. How do we show gratitude and love to our Lord? By loving His people sincerely and loving lost souls.