Although online worship is better than no worship, long term online worship will hurt us for two important reasons. First, we know we are easily distracted when we worship at home: taking a sip of water, investigating a strange noise in the kitchen, answering a phone call, etc. These are things we will not do in church premises. Online worship may feel comfortable. But you can be sure: if you are not careful, you will backslide spiritually. The frightening thing is that when you deteriorate spiritually, you will not detect it. When you know it, you would have turned into a spiritual “monster.” Second, the Bible warns and encourages us, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb 10:24-25). Human beings have a physical body, and we interact with each other using this physical body. Thus, in the days before Covid-19, when we meet each other, we not only say, “hello” but we shake hands, and we are often reminded to give a firm handshake. Why? Because we interact with each other using our physical body. If babies could express themselves, they will tell you how much they love the touch of mothers. Hence, we must meet each other physically. Yes, meeting using Zoom is better than nothing. But if you can meet up physically, you should. Let me suggest some things you can do to achieve the above two points: an undistracted worship and fellowship.
Remove All Distractions
First, you must remove all distractions. Identify potential distractions. Remove them or make some changes to the place you use for worship. Worship in a confined space, e.g, a room, if possible. Second, if possible, upgrade your equipment. Use a bigger monitor and attach your device to speakers. You need to spend a little money, but they are not as expensive as in the past. Third, all must agree not to leave the seat. Treat it as if you are in church premises. Fourth, participate in the worship. Sing out loud. Read the responsive reading. Stand when told.
The biggest weakness with online worship is we feel very alone. We cannot fellowship after worship service. Make up for this lack of fellowship by coming for Sunday School, fellowship / cell-group meetings, and prayer meetings. I urge you to turn on your video during Zoom meetings, if possible. When people do not see your face on Zoom, you are very distant. Of course, in some cases, it might not be appropriate because the environment around you is sensitive. But my point is clear: you must be responsible for your own spiritual well-being. You need to believe that fellowship is important. You need to make effort to fellowship: decide to love your brothers and sisters-in-Christ. Open your hearts to others. Don’t be cold like ice; prioritise time for your spiritual family.
Consider giving a personal call to one Christian in this church once a week to fellowship using the phone. What shall you talk about? Share a personal prayer request. Then pray over the phone. The duration can be as short as 15 minutes. Do the above to protect yourself against sin and the schemes of the devil.