Making Disciples-Part 1 of 2

Every Christian must be actively doing gospel work. Employees must report to work every day. If not, they are lazy and deserve to be dismissed. School children must attend classes and do homework. If not, these children are lazy and deserve to be disciplined by the teacher and parents. In the same way, if Christians do not work hard to bringing to people the gospel that brings eternal salvation to lost souls, such a Christian is irresponsible, lazy and deserves to be disciplined by the Lord. Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:18-20:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

You must be a blessing to people by bringing to people the precious gift of salvation. If you don’t, you are living a meaningless life. Jesus says in Matthew 5:13:

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

Every Christians should be equipped in two ways. Today’s pastoral letter explains the first thing: Learn to share with people the gospel message systematically and lead them to receive Jesus as Saviour. To do that, do several things. 

Be Convinced

Let me give you analogy. You have just visited a beautiful place during a tour. Later, you hear of someone making plans to visit the same place. As a good friend, I’m sure you will be very happy to tell him how he can visit that tourist spot. You will enthusiastically encourage him to visit that place. You may recommend him the tour agency through which you booked the trip. Perhaps, you will also take the initiative to tell him about the weather and the clothes to wear, how much money to bring for the trip, the things worth buying from that place, what to avoid, etc. This sharing comes naturally. The reason why you could share so naturally and enthusiastically is because you are convinced about the goodness of that tour trip. In the same way, if you have experienced the goodness of the gospel, you will not find it difficult to share. Thus, to be able to share the gospel, the most important is that you must be convinced about the gospel. I urge you to think about how the Lord Jesus Christ has changed your life. What kind of life did you lead before receiving Jesus? What made you receive Jesus? How has your life changed after you received Jesus as Saviour? Spend some time thinking about the goodness of salvation. Then, thank God for these good things that you have experienced.

Master a Tool

There are several tools that can help you share the gospel systematically. These include using pictures, booklets, colours, sketching on a blank sheet of paper, etc. We will conduct training sessions to teach you some tools. It’s not difficult to master a tool. Practice makes perfect. If you practice using the tool again and again, I’m sure you will master it very soon. Above all, you must maintain a healthy spiritual life and ask the Lord to use you to lead people to Christ. Then, God can use you.