How should we, as children of the living God, live in an environment plagued by the Wuhan virus? For that matter, the environment with which you are concerned may be something else. It could be that you are facing unhappy times or a problem that has yet to be resolved and is troubling you. For now, how do you face the Wuhan virus? First, as the Singapore government has advised us, take practical precautionary measures like wearing a mask (only) when you feel unwell or have respiratory symptoms like a cough or runny rose. This is to prevent yourself from infecting others. Generally, as our government website ( advises us, people who are well need not wear a mask. Also, wash your hands regularly when you are unwell. If you are quarantined or required to take leave of absence as required by law, please do so.
However, do not be like some people who are so frightened that they take unnecessary measures and become paranoid. Just because of the Wuhan virus, are you not going to work or school, press the lift button, or take the MRT? Some, I suspect, are not sick but they wear masks wherever they go. Some Christians might even consider not going to church, prayer meetings, or fellowship/cell group meetings.
Such paranoid measures are unnecessary because we have an all-powerful and loving God who cares for us. Be level-headed but do not be faithless. Your life is not in the hands of the virus but in the hands of your Father who is in heaven.
What should you do? You need to understand that it is God who can truly protect you. Hence, you need to ensure that you are living in His favour. The psalmist in God’s Word says, “the angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them” (Psalm 34:7). You must continue to fear God, that is, be faithful to Him. Do not stop Sunday worship, Sunday School classes or fellowship meetings. Do not stop caring for people. Only when you are quarantined or required to take leave of absence should you absent yourself from church. If you are sick, put on a surgical mask when you come to church or go to work. Other than that, responsibilities related to church life and daily life including home, school, and work should go on as usual.
In summary, If you need to be quarantined or take leave of absence, please do so. Be responsible to the society. If not, continue to come for church activities, and go to work and school as usual. If you are sick, wear a mask. Be faithful to God by being faithful in spiritual things and daily life. Above all, believe God’s promise that “the angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them” (Psalm 34:7). Church life and daily life must go on as usual.