Lessons from the Ukraine War

There are spiritual lessons that we can learn from the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong comments,

We must never lose the capability to defend ourselves. National Service and a strong, operationally ready SAF is our best deterrent against aggressors . . . The lessons for us, then and now, are stark. When treaties and diplomacy fail, we cannot rely on others to protect us . . . We must remain a united and cohesive nation . . . We have been lucky to enjoy peace and stability now for more than 50 years. Russia’s attack on Ukraine reminds us how precious this is, and how important it is for all of us who call Singapore home to work together to preserve this happy state of affairs.

The Bible in 1 Peter 5:8-9 says something similar, only with greater insight about danger,

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

The greatest danger is spiritual and not a Russian attack or physical harm. Satan seeks to harm our soul. The soul is your spiritual world. This is where your mind, emotion, and will are located. If you are spiritually unwell, you are emotionally and mentally unwell. You cannot function in life and be empowered by God even if you are physically healthy. What can seriously harm your soul? Spiritual filth. This includes wrong values: the goals to pursue in life, how you regard your family and children, your attitude towards studies, work, colleagues and friends. It also includes sinful habits and recreation. It also means you will fear what you should not and not fear what you should. These harmful values and habits come from the sinful world and Satan. Satan uses deceptive ways to ensure this spiritual filth reaches deep into your soul. Before you know it, you become what sin and Satan want you to think and behave. You are on the road to self-destruction. You may not even desire to turn away from sin.

How can you remain unharmed? As NATO cannot save Ukraine, other people cannot save you. As Ukraine should have built up their defences long time ago and not be complacent, you must also build up your spiritual defences. Your church leaders, teachers or parents can only remind or warn you. They cannot save you. If a bully tries to punch you, your father can block the punch for you. But if sin or Satan “punches” you, even your parents cannot protect you because these attacks are not physical. You must build up your own spiritual defences. You do not need to spend billions of dollars to buy military equipment. You already have the most important equipment: the Bible, that is, “the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God” (Eph 6:17). You must listen and listen carefully and attentively to Sunday sermons. Read your Bible. Attend Sunday School. Tell yourself this every time you hear a sermon or attend a class: “I want to understand the meaning of this Bible passage a little better.” Cry out to God: “Lord, tell me what I must do!” Then obey. Do not give excuses for not obeying. Do not self-pity and say, “Teacher or pastor, you are simply too demanding. Do not force me.” I urge you not to put off obedience because Mr Sin and Mr Satan will soon enter and wreak havoc in your life.

But there is light during great darkness: the Ukrainians are very united. Despite facing a very powerful enemy, the Russians, the enemies are facing great difficulties in defeating the Ukrainians. Why? Because the Ukrainians are united. Even the opposition party has put aside their differences. There is strength in unity. Hence Peter urges the suffering Christians not only to stand firm in the faith, but to stand firm in the faith together by knowing that all Christians are facing the same sufferings. Dear Christians in Tree of Life Christian Church, Paul says, “love must be sincere” (Rom 12:9a). Put aside all hypocritical and superficial love. Do not be self-centred. When was the last time you prayed for someone in church other than your own family? When was the last time you said a word of encouragement to someone in church other than your family? Be a blessing to someone today. Unite in love. Then the enemy of our soul cannot hurt us.