Lectures on Special Topics

Allow me to ask you two questions. First: How important do you think are the truths taught in the Bible? Answer: They are very important because these teachings provide answers about heaven and hell, eternal life, and how you can live this life in safety and blessedness. If you do not learn well or do not know these truths, the least serious consequence is: your life on earth will be miserable; the most serious consequence is: you will spend eternity in hell. Thus, you must ensure that you know and learn well the truths taught in the Bible.

Second: Must we work very hard to learn the truths taught in the Bible? Answer: You must work very hard at studying the Bible. Why? Many people find it difficult understanding scientific theories invented by human beings. Don’t you agree that understanding the teachings about God, who is infinitely more intelligent and knowledgeable, will be far more difficult? Thus, if you wish to understand correctly the things of God, you must work very hard.

And it is worth working hard at studying the things about God (as recorded in the Bible) because you will be richly rewarded: “godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Tim 4:8); “the truth will set you free” (John 8:32); “the servant of God will be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:17); “but whoever listens to me [God’s word] will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm” (Prov. 1:33). Many truths of the Bible are simple to understand. There are, however, some things that are hard to understand. Some topics that are hard to understand are also very important.

God willing, we shall study some of these important topics this year. There might be changes, however, due to the Covid-10 situation. The first topic is “The Charismatic Movement.” When this movement first started in 1901 in America, it affected only some people. Today, this movement has affected many churches all over the world. The consequences are serious: the spirituality of many churches have been adversely affected due to an overemphasis on sign gifts which have clearly ceased in the early church. In some cases, the gospel message has been changed.

The second topic is on “Calvinism and Arminianism.” Calvinism emphasises (correctly) that God is sovereign, that is, in full control of history. This is such a blessed truth as it means that God is working all things, even suffering in life, to our advantage. Arminianism (the position we do not accept) does not believe that God is in full control of history.

The third topic is on “Bible Interpretation.” When I was a young Christian, I was almost misled and was troubled by a cult group (false Christianity) called Jehovah Witness (which is banned in Singapore). Although I read many Christian literature, I did not know how to properly interpret the Bible. As a result, when these cults quoted out of context Bible verses, I did not know how to refute them and started to doubt my Christian faith. It was this experience that motivated me to learn Bible interpretation. Learning how to interpret the Bible is like learning how to catch fish. When you know how to fish, you do not need to wait in hunger for someone to bring you fish to eat (that person may also bring you a poisonous fish!). When you know how to interpret the Bible, you will not be deceived by false teachers. Also, you can open the Bible and find for yourself spiritual food to eat.

Please attend. Attendance is compulsory for all Sunday School teachers, committee members of every ministry (including choir), mentors, cell-group and fellowship leaders. But attend not only because I as the pastor make it compulsory, but because you want to grow spiritually. You will be blessed.