Labouring for the Gospel with One Heart

When the church moved from West Coast to Bukit Batok in 2012, we explored how the church could bring the gospel into this community. We visited several HDB blocks where we distributed gospel tracts house by house. We realised, however, this was not the best approach because we could not effectively build a relationship with the residents. From the latter half of 2016 until November this year, we participated in the Reading Corner program organised by the National Library and held in the premises of the Bukit Batok Residential Committee. Through the activities of the Reading Corner we had more opportunities to know the residents staying in Bukit Batok. In this period of about two and a half years we saw these children grow up. We also got to know some parents. Certainly, Tree of Life Christian Church have, as a result, built a good working relationship with the grassroots leaders. During this year’s Reading Corner graduation ceremony, the person-in-charge was very grateful for the help provided by the church and felt it a pity that our church would no longer participate in the program.

Personally, I am very thankful to God for giving me this wonderful opportunity to work with a group of brethren who are fervent for the gospel, to serve the community and to build a bridge for the gospel cause. This is a group of brethren who could not be stopped by “rain or wind” and who serve the Lord faithfully. Thank you for your sacrifices. You could have had relaxing Saturday mornings, but for the Lord’s sake, you willingly sacrificed your Saturday mornings. The Lord will remember your labour. Thank God that through the Reading Corner we got to know some residents. Some, as a result, stepped into the church. Perhaps we wish for more residents to come to church. I believe, however, that we have left a good impression in the hearts of the children and parents (the person in charge in the Residential Committee told us that the children always look forward to the programs we prepare for them). We pray that when they meet Christians in future, they would hear the gospel with a receptive heart and come to know Jesus.

As the work at the Reading Corner comes to an end, the church is also exploring how we could do gospel work more effectively. Should we continue with community work at Bukit Batok or another place? What kind of community work would that be? How could the whole church be involved? Or perhaps we should begin a new gospel outreach elsewhere in Singapore? Where should this new gospel outreach be located? We pray that the Lord would give us spiritual foresight, and to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit in making decisions.

For certain, the church’s gospel work is not only the responsibility of the church leaders. Neither should it be the sole responsibility of a group of brethren who have that burden. We require every person to be involved. We will share with all the details of the plan soon. For now, there are several things that brothers and sisters-in-Christ could do. First, pray that the church would submit to God’s leading in charting and doing the gospel work. Second, regardless of where the next gospel outreach is, please be a good testimony to your relatives and friends, and to lead them to believe in the Lord. The brethren in church are your resources for leading people to the Lord. Please do not hesitate to share your needs. We will definitely help you. Third, when the church is pressing ahead with the new gospel work, we need everyone to be involved. Perhaps, by being involved, we need to sacrifice our rest time and to give sacrificially. But it is worth it. It is also our responsibility. I strongly hope that the whole church, and not just a small group of people, would be fervently involved.

May we, like the apostle Paul, be faithful to the end in the gospel work of the Lord Jesus. “I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever” (1 Cor 9:23-25).