Investing in Eternity

The government has been taking measures to curb rising property prices. This is needful to prevent plunging the country or individuals into financial problems. Some of the past measures, however, could not bring down prices. This caused the government to install even more drastic measures. Lately, these measures finally began to bite. Some were happy, while others lamented that their financial earnings were affected. Some who bought HDB flats for the first time at the recent high price worry: when they need to sell their flat to downgrade, they will sell at a big loss. These events highlight what Proverbs 23:5 says:

Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.

We need to understand that wealth is transient. In fact, everything in this world, whether we have a lot or little will one day disappear. They disappear when we die—we cannot bring anything out of this world into the next eternal world. They disappear when our Lord returns to instate His eternal kingdom. Whatever little or much that you have today, all your valuables will suddenly be useless. Can you imagine: after exhausting your precious life to obtain material wealth, suddenly, they turn into rubbish that are totally useless? You will say on that day: “My whole life is wasted in earning rubbish!” Dear friends and children of God, do not waste your life earning things that will one day disappear and turn into rubbish. Do not regret on that day that when death comes or Jesus returns to judge the world: everything will become useless. Instead, you must use your time and life earning things that will last for all eternity.

What things last for eternity? Things done for God. How much time do you have left to do that? If we take retirement age 62 years old as a gauge, if you are now 50 years old, you only have about 12 years to be effective for God. If you are past 62 years old, you cannot afford to waste time anymore. If you are a young man or woman, you will have more years, unless sudden death cuts your life short. Hence, young people, you are in a position to accumulate a lot of eternal wealth—work hard for God. Ensure you become a spiritual millionaire quickly.

If you are not a Christian, you need Jesus. The bible says you have done things that made God angry—you have sinned in thought, word and deed. You need Jesus to cleanse away your sins. Then you will receive an eternal gift: eternal life and eternal heaven. Today, ask Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour.

Dear Christian, do not build your happiness on the things of this world because people and the things of this world will disappoint you: they will one day pass away. They are unreliable. Instead, serve God. First, live a life that pleases God. Flee far away from sin. Do not cherish the pleasures of sin because they last only a little while. After you have enjoyed the pleasures of sin, sin will return and ask payment from you: sin wants your soul!

Second, bring lost souls to Jesus. Be a good testimony. Seize every opportunity to tell people about Jesus. When a lost soul enters God’s kingdom, God will give you give you an eternal reward. Go to your friends and family members: bring them into God’s kingdom. Serve God wholeheartedly. Put Him first in your life.