We thank God for the people (more than 20) who attended the Children Sunday School training. I believe that those who attended the training would agree that the two sessions were very fruitful. Thank the Lord for sending us a skillful trainer. Thank God for the many of you who have chosen training over afternoon naps. In this training, I believe one of the many helpful things the participants have learnt was ways to engage students. The trainer did this throughout the two lessons by treating the participants as her students. The trainer was a lesson in action.
Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, if you want to excel in something, you must undergo training, that is, you need a teacher to teach you. The church has ongoing training sessions.
In the Adult and Teens Sunday School, we train you in interpreting God’s Word. I have taught and instructed the teachers to do that. If you faithfully attend these classes, and diligently learn by listening, thinking and asking, you can be sure that you will pick up the skills for interpreting the different genres in the Bible. These genres include prose, narrative (story) and poetic genres. Learn this important skill. Then, because you are skillful at handling this sword called the Word of God, no one will be able to deceive you. Also, you will never starve because you know how to fish, even when no one hands you a fish to eat.
The church will also be conducting other trainings. Every Christian must learn how to share the gospel in a clear and concise manner. How do you share the gospel and what should you share? How do you tell your loved one the gospel? Sharing the gospel with a stranger requires a different set of skills. How do you reach out to residents who are staying near our church? We will be teaching you these skills. But you must be willing to learn. Even I as a pastor, each time when I attend a training session, I always learn new things and skills. Every Christian must become a skillful evangelist. But to do that, you need someone to teach you.
For now, I urge you to faithfully attend the ongoing training sessions on cults. Cults can stumble you and confuse you. The problem with cults is not just erroneous teachings. They mix truth with falsehood. It’s just like mixing five pills of poison with 50 pills of medicine. You will find it hard to detect their errors. What is most damaging about cults is that not only do they teach erroneous teachings, they are wrong in the most critical points. As a result, people who accept what they teach will end up in hell. They teach a false gospel and false gospels cannot bring you to heaven. You must be able to recognise a cult when you see one and know how to refute them. Hence, teens and adults, do not miss Adult Sunday School. If you miss a lesson, please obtain the CD and notes from the church office. It is compulsory for teachers to attend the class and, if they miss a lesson, to make up for it by listening in to the CD. “Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.”