I’ll Share the Gospel with Him Tomorrow

A few days ago, I visited a non-Christian in a hospital. He was diagnosed with cancer of the liver at the advanced stage somewhere in June this year. His nephew (a Christian) requested me to visit him at the hospital. Doctors told him that he had only about one to three weeks to live. I was told by this Christian brother that his uncle (the patient’s brother) had tried to share with him the gospel numerous times during this time that he was sick. When I visited him, I also shared with him the gospel. He rejected the Lord and the gospel. He did, however, was willing for us to pray for him. At that time, he could talk and looked quite alert. I told myself that I will visit him again as I thought that I should be able to see him again.

As I thought about what was stopping him from receiving the Lord, I made a guess that it could be his parents. Perhaps he feared that if he were to become a Christian, he would not be able to see his parents in the next world because they are not Christians. I told myself that I must address this issue the next time I visit him. I never did because he died two days later. At the wake, I met the Christian uncle who told me on his own initiative that his brother rejected the Lord Jesus because of his mother. This entire episode reminds us of several important truths.

First, the Bible is God’s Word. It has never been wrong. In fact, again and again, it has shown itself to be amazingly accurate in historical, scientific, archaeological facts, in facts related to astronomy, geography, prophecy, etc. Why is it so amazingly accurate? The Bible clearly says about itself: It is the Word of God and hence it is without error in everything that it says (2 Tim 3:16-17). What does the Word of God say? It clearly says that every human being has sinned against God. For that, he will perish in hell for eternity because God is holy and hates sin and sinners must be punished. You need Jesus. He loves you and died willingly on the cross to save you. If you receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, He will forgive your sins and give you eternal life and heaven. If, however, you reject Him, after you die, you do not have a second chance to be saved.

Second, you think that you still have time to tell your loved one about Jesus and salvation because he looks well and healthy. The fact is, he may die at a time when you least expect him to. Death strikes anytime. Never presume that you have tomorrow to tell him the gospel. History and experience are proofs that accidents and diseases can strike the healthiest and most promising person anytime. Hence, you must find means and ways to save your loved ones. Today, you must start to pray for him every day. Love him that he may experience God’s love through you. Walk close to God so that you overflow with God’s abundant life to touch his life. Bring him to church or Fellowship meetings. Tell him the gospel. Share with him what you learn through the sermons you hear. Cause him to see the relevance and reality of the Christian faith through your life. The Word of God is powerful and can move his heart to repentance and salvation.

Third, some, especially Chinese, mistakenly think that they can see their loved one again because they have the same religion. No, you can only see your loved one again in heaven and you can go heaven only if Jesus is your Saviour because He cleanses all your sins to make you fit for heaven. In hell, you are alone and will suffer for eternity for your sins. You will not see anyone or your loved ones ever again. If, however, your loved ones have Jesus as their Saviour, death brings sadness but this sadness is only temporal because we will meet again in heaven, never to be separated again. You must “preach the word, be ready in season or out of season” (2 Tim 4:2).