The Greatest Work
My point is this: A great person is not someone who is wealthy or intelligent but someone who is a blessing to the lives of people. Jesus says the same thing here: “”Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).
The greater works refer especially to that of changing sinful lives to that of a life that has the image and likeness of our Saviour Jesus Christ. If you were to pass away, will people remember you? How do you think you will be remembered? It is only when you do great works, not the works of earning lots of money or fame, but the work of being a blessing to people, specifically that of changing lives, that you will be remembered.
Do not be mistaken. I write this article not to teach you how to seek the praise of man or vain glory. The praise of man is nothing. My point is to help you to feel and understand the importance of being a blessing to people because this is what makes a person great in God’s eyes. Then we will be remembered not by people but by the Almighty God.
What Should You Do?
Man has sinned against God in thought, word and deed. God hates sin. God will punish you for your sin. For sin, you are living a life that has no true meaning and peace. You are constantly in God’s wrath. Sin is destroying your relationship with people. One day, maybe next year or even maybe tomorrow, you will die and after that, you will suffer in hell for all eternity because you have sinned against God. But thank and praise God! Jesus died on the cross for you because He loves you. He has paid the penalty of sin. The moment you, a sinner, accept Jesus as Saviour, you will obtain eternal life and a meaningful life filled with holiness, joy and real peace. This is the gospel. It can change lives. Today, if you want to be a great person in God’s eyes, if you want to be a blessing to people, you must change lives by attracting people to Christ. Be fervent in bringing people to church, to fellowship meetings, to our church outings that they may have an opportunity to experience God’s love through Christians and understand the gospel. When they believe in Jesus, you change lives and give them eternal blessings. You save them from eternal hell. This is the greatest work you can do for anyone because you give them the gift of a life that will last forever, an abundant life. Today, start praying for someone and work hard. Persevere to bring him to Christ that he may receive the most precious gift: eternal life.