Hell is Frightening

Luke 16:19-31 records an account about how a rich man died and went to hell. A beggar named Lazarus also died but went to heaven. Whilst in hell, this rich man saw Abraham (Abraham was the ancestor of God’s chosen nation, Israel) in heaven and Lazarus resting in Abraham’s bosom. In pain, he called out to Abraham: “Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire” (Luke 16:24). Abraham, was unable to help him, as there was an impossible barrier between heaven and hell. This rich man then begged Abraham, saying, “Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.” Abraham, however, again rejected his request for reasons that are explained in Luke 16:19-31. This account tells us several things.

First, hell is a place of great torture. We know this fact because the Bible says so. We know this to be true because someone who is in hell said so. Hell is real. It is eternal, dark, hot, and extremely painful. It is so excruciatingly hot that even a drop of water can be so refreshing. Not only is there great suffering in hell.

A person who enters hell will never again leave this place of great torment. It is a place of eternal and never ending punishment. How frightening! How frightening! How frightening! Some people use the existence of hell to argue that this contradicts the nature of God as God is love. No. There is no contradiction. In fact, hell proves the nature of God, that God is holy. As God is holy and sin is infinitely wrong, therefore, God must punish sinners in eternal hell. We must never let our loved ones or anyone enter hell. Is any of your family members still an unbeliever? They are walking towards hell. You must do something to save them before it’s too late. Once they die and enter hell, all will be too late.

Second, this rich man understood the pain in hell. Therefore, he tried to save his brothers. He desperately wanted to save his brothers because he has experienced first-hand of what hell is. We must be like this rich man—do something to save our loved ones from hell. Do you pray regularly for your unbelieving loved ones to believe in Jesus? Only God can open their spiritual eyes. Therefore, you must pray. In less than two weeks’ time, we are going to have our annual gospel rally. This is a great opportunity for them to hear the gospel and be saved from hell. Therefore, seize this opportunity. Invite your loved ones to come. The night’s programme is attractive. The church choir will present a Chinese song and then an English song. Someone from our midst will also share a testimony of how that person came to know and received Jesus as Saviour. There will also be a skit about the love of God. Finally, Rev Goh Seng Fong will preach a message on the love of God.

The terror of hell must urge us to go all out to save our loved ones. We should never assume that our unsaved loved ones will always have another opportunity to hear the gospel. They may not have next year or next month or even a tomorrow. Death strikes any time. Thus, whilst your loved ones are still alive, seize this opportunity, the gospel rally on 4/9/15, to tell them the gospel that can bring them eternal life and eternal heaven. Pray and invite.