He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
This seed of the kingdom of God is capable of growing into a big tree that brings eternal and abundant life to many. It is thus no coincidence that many who come into God’s church to sincerely seek His favour, find comfort and strength. That your lives have changed testify to this fact.
Secondly, this mustard seed or the kingdom of God can only grow to become a big tree if we, the church, do our part. Hence, we must use means and ways to bring the gospel to people. Jesus gives us an important principle in a parable He once narrated.
A king sends out invitations to many. When those invited (a referent to the Jewish religious leaders including priests, elders and Pharisees) refuse to come and thus insulting the king, he orders his messengers to “go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.” These include “the bad as well as the good.” In this way, “the wedding hall was filled with guests” (Mat 22:9-10 ).
First, seize every opportunity to preach the gospel. If you do not know how to preach the gospel, give out a gospel tract. Carry with you gospel tracts in your pocket or handbag. These people include strangers you meet along your way.
Second, we often prefer to share the gospel with people whom we think might be more receptive to the gospel. Broaden your audience by also sharing the gospel with people we feel may not be receptive to the gospel.
Third, the church is considering reaching out with the gospel to our neighbourhood. To do that, however, we need to first make friends with this neighbourhood. This requires patience as we need first to allow the residents here to know us. We need to spend time with the residents so that they are comfortable with us. May the Lord move our hearts to sincerely love them.
The most important criteria, however, is ourselves. If you want the Lord to use you to bring salvation to lost souls, you must follow the Lord wholeheartedly: “’Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people” (Matt 4:19). The condition is: You must “follow” the Lord. This means that your spiritual relationship with your Saviour Jesus must be vibrant. Be a clean vessel: “Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work” (2 Tim 2:21). It is most important that you keep away from sinful things. Read your Bible and pray daily—enjoy His presence and be nourished by His abundant life. In all things, always put God first in your lives. Trust the Lord in all circumstances. Maintain a vibrant relationship with your Saviour. Then life can overflow from you to others. May the Lord use you to bring lost souls into His glorious kingdom.