This article is Part 2/2 of the essay written by Richard Philips ( It is my hope that when you understand the importance of expository preaching, your heart will also be better conditioned to receive God’s Word.
3. Expository preaching unfolds the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27), taking Paul seriously when he speaks of “all Scripture” as “profitable” (2 Tim. 3:16–17). When the preacher works through whole books of the Bible, he is kept from focusing continually on his own hobby horses but instead teaches whatever the inspired author wrote. In this way, the whole breadth of biblical teaching comes to bear in ways that greatly enrich the congregation. Meanwhile, the pastor is forced to work through difficult passages so that his own understanding grows. Some of the most memorable sermons I have heard came from passages that the preacher would be very unlikely to cover unless he was committed to expository preaching. Indeed, as I have preached whole books of Scripture I have often been amazed at how wide and interesting a breadth of topics came to the fore.
4. Expository preaching is exciting and satisfying. When a pastor is working through a whole book of Scripture, the congregation becomes excited about the biblical book and members don’t want to miss any sermons. When the series is completed, there is a sense of accomplishment as a whole book of Scripture has been studied in depth and clearly understood. In many such churches, new members identify their arrival at the church by the book and chapter that was being studied at the time. I recently spent three and a half years preaching through Genesis, and many in the congregation expressed their sadness when we finished the wonderful journey through that book. Moreover, expository preaching allows the congregation, over the years, to learn a great amount of Scripture, including the many different types and situations found therein. For instance, in my thirteen years at Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, South Carolina, I have preached through the following books (morning or evening), which have provided a significant grasp of Scripture to the congregation: John, Hebrews, Ephesians, Psalms, 1–2 Samuel, Jonah, Micah, 1–2 Thessalonians, Revelation, Genesis, 1–3 John, Hosea, 2 Timothy, and Titus (I am currently preaching Colossians and 2 Chronicles).
5. Expository preaching grows the minister spiritually and intellectually. Undoubtedly the main reason why many pastors shy from expository preaching is that it admittedly involves a great deal of work. But what rich labor it is! Over the years the pastor develops an increasingly strong grasp of Scripture and the weekly labor of first understanding, and then preaching the text, develops his capacity and desire to study God’s Word.
Few resolutions will make a more significant impact on a church than when the pastor commits to weekly expository preaching. Especially if you are starting out in a pulpit ministry, imagine the benefit of your life if you spend years teaching God’s Word from God’s Word!