
We thank God for last evening’s fellowship where we had a fruitful time of brainstorming for ideas about building a fellowship group (the name has yet to be finalized) for adults below the age group of that of the Evergreen Fellowship.  Everyone, I believe, felt that the best part of the night was simply enjoying one another’s company—it was relaxing, the discussion was fun and we were encouraged by one another’s enthusiasm to serve God. This is good fellowship.  I strongly encourage everyone  to join a fellowship group as it is critical if you want to run life’s race victoriously.  Let me recall the short exhortation taken from Mark 14:32-42.

The Example of Jesus

Jesus sufferings were most acute at two occasions: at the cross of Calvary and in the Garden of Gethsemane.  The same event heightened Jesus’ sufferings—it was not just the physical pain of dying on the cross but the thought that God the Father was going to break fellowship with Jesus, God the Son when the sins of the world including yours and mine will be laid on Jesus at the cross of Calvary.  At this time of extreme sorrow, what did Jesus do to find strength?  Was it recreation or taking a stroll or even taking a holiday?

No, he did none of these but called for three disciples, Peter, James and John to pray and watch with Him.  In short, he asked for the fellowship of these three disciples.  They were his closest friends on earth.

The Lesson

You may perhaps think that Jesus who is fully God and fully man would not need friends.  But this is not true.  Whilst on earth, He voluntarily and temporarily put aside those divine powers that he might experience the sufferings of a human being.  The only difference from us is that Jesus never sinned (Heb 4:15).  Nevertheless, Jesus is a perfect man.  What is striking is that this perfect man required the fellowship of other people.  If the perfect Son of God required fellowship, how much more you and I would need it.

Hence, it is critical that you understand your needs: God has made you in such a way that that which is going to provide you strength, especially when (and you will) face life’s challenges, sufferings, sorrows, worries is the nourishment, comfort, love and wise advise given by, not the unbelieving world, but by believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the family of God.

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, life’s sufferings and temptations are capable of hurting you and your family.  But fellowship of Christians (not non-Christians) is like a shield that protects you and your family.  Yes, we will sometimes in moments of weakness say words and do things that hurt others because we live in this body of sin that nevertheless is passing way.  However, there are great blessings in Christian fellowship because in the body of believers, there is unconditional love because we have all experienced His love; there are people who can give us wise and godly advice because we have the word of God put into our hearts by the God the Holy Spirit; there is the blessings and the very presence of God because the body of believers is the temple of the living God.  Hence, I encourage you to put aside all appointments—do not miss fellowship meetings or Sunday Worships.  There are great blessings.