Fear of Being Marginalized

When the Ministry of Education mentioned the possibility of lowering down the weightage of Mother Tongue, it caused quite a commotion. People wrote to the press. Some even gathered several thousands of signatures to oppose such a possible change. Mothers who were capitalizing on this subject to raise the aggregate scores of their children were upset. Teachers of Mother Tongue feared for their jobs, that they were would no longer be appreciated. The sentiment was acute so much so that our Prime Minister had to hold a press conference and the Minister of Education had to apologise in public. On the one hand, such a sentiment was understandable as no one, including Christians want to be marginalized in the society. However, as God’s children, we should have a healthier perspective of things: God’s provides us assuring promises that He will take care of our needs if we put Him first in our lives.

1. Fear God

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Pro 9:10). When your child or you fear the Lord, that is, turn away from things, plans, or “kiasu” plans that displease God or those that will compromise His standard of holiness, God will give your child or you wisdom to navigate through the difficult times or times that threaten your child’s or your well-being so that you emerge safely.

We are often on our guards against those who scheme against us. They can be people who for one reason or another dislike you despite that you are blameless or be because you are a threat to him or her. It is true that Jesus commands us that we should “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matt 10:16). But from where do we get that wisdom? When you fear God, He will give you the wisdom that you may escape the traps of those who are out to hurt you. But as the Chinese say, “It is difficult to guard against a hidden dart thrown at you.” Some people are crafty enough to wait for an opportune time to harm you. With regards to these people, we need not fear them because “whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and a stone will come back on him who starts it rolling” (Pro 26:27). Your enemy will fall into his own trap. Rest in the Lord and simply do what honours God.

2. Put Him First in Your Life

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you” (Matt 6:33). Putting God first not only means that you avoid sinful or unholy living, but also that where you need to choose between what pleases God and what seems to bring advantage to you, you will choose that which will glorify and please God. Then God promises you that, as the verses before 6:33 (6:25-32) say, not only will He give what you or your children or your family needs to survive in this world, He will also give you the best things, things that will truly bring good to you and your family. These come with a condition: that you put Him first in your life. My dear child of God, have faith in your Almighty Saviour who loves you. He will surely take care of you.

Do you feel marginalized by circumstances or evil doers. The Bible exhorts you saying: “Be still and know that I am the Lord” (Psa 46:10). Pray, plan, and commit your burdens to the Lord. He will take care of what is beyond you.