Family in Christ

With the exception of Sunday worship, we do not have many opportunities to interact together as one brethren in our regular church life. Our church organises a Bible Camp or Family Day every year in order to give our brothers and sisters from different age groups and cell groups a chance to know one another. We thank our brothers and sisters for their active participation during the recent Family Day on Labor Day. Our brethren also invited six new friends to join in our activities. We thank the Lord for blessing us with a pleasant and cool weather as well as the lush green environment so that everyone of all ages, adults or children could enjoy these activities.

In terms of programme, we are very blessed that we managed to engage a professional team to plan exciting outdoor activities for us. This gave most of us, be they children or adults, a chance to get to know to each other better through games. The first game for that day was ‘Human Bingo.’ There were 12 interesting questions – Who is a good chef? What is his signature dish? Participants had to find 3 or 4 answers from those involved in the game. The one who finds the answers in the shortest time wins. Once the game started, our brothers and sisters diligently searched for answers to the 12 questions and I applaud them for their enthusiasm!

The next highlight was shooting but it was not your ordinary shooting exercise. Our brothers and sisters were divided into 6 small teams, the aim was for you to shoot your opponent team’s flak or members. There was no cause for worry because nobody was injured as the arrow head was a plastic ball. Also, our brothers and sisters wore protective masks. Right from the start of the competition, it was clear who the marksman was. There were a few ‘Mu Lan’ among the sisters. Some were ‘Zhuge Liang’ when it came to planning the winning strategy. Although it was an athletic game, no one cared about winning or losing. We simply enjoyed the fun of playing it together. With adults and children playing together, it was like enjoying quality time with your family. After shooting, we played two other games which tested the groups’ team spirit. One of the games was skipping. It may sound simple. It was, however, a true test of team work when thirty odd people including adults and children had to skip in sequence without stopping. I think the secret to winning was to help each other so that everyone could be in sync with the rhythm on command. The other game was to snatch balls. Six of the teams had to compete against each other and try to snatch all the balls and put them into their own hula hoops. You could also snatch the balls from the other teams’ camp. Every team discovered that all the balls which they snatched were soon ‘stolen’ by other teams. In the end, there was no winning team. When all six teams, however, stacked their hula hoops together and placed the balls in it, every group was a winner because there was no need to snatch the balls. The objective of this game was to illustrate the importance of teamwork. We can only succeed if every member uses their individual strengths while working as one team.

After the games, everyone gathered together to do a recap of the activities and left messages of encouragement for each other. I thought it was a warm and joyous scene. We are indeed a family in Christ! “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalms 133:1). Even though the Family Day is over, we are still a family in Christ. Hence, I encourage you to mingle with your own cell group members after each Sunday Service is over and also initiate conversations with members from other cell groups, and show your care and concern. This includes the two way communication between adults and teenagers. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)