Faithfulness in Serving​

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” (Matthew 25:23).

We thank the Lord for giving us breath and life that we could enter the new year 2024. Above all, the Lord has given us another year of doing eternal work. I pray that the Lord “will establish the works of our hands” (Psalm 90:17). But what does the Lord require of us who are serving?

Jesus told a parable where he gave different amounts of money to three of his servants. He told them to invest the money. Three observations are important: First, the amounts given to the first two servants were different: the first was given more; the second was given less. Second, the profits that the first and second servants made were different in amounts but same in percentage: both were 100%. Third, the praises were identical: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21, 23). What this teaches is: God rewards according to faithfulness and not according to giftedness (the abilities you possess). For that reason, the last servant was rebuked and punished, not because he lost the money, but because the money gain zero profits..

But does that mean that I simply choose one ministry that requires minimum commitment and just make sure I do my best? “Yes” and “no.” “Yes”: God wants us to do our best in whatever ministry we do. “No”: but if you are given, for example, three gifts, you are expected to put them all to good use in the church. Thus, do not be too envious of those with many gifts: they are expected to use all of them and benefit the church in the best possible way. Thus, God rewards according to our faithfulness: We must use whatever we have, including abilities, time, positions in life, etc., not to selfishly benefit ourselves but to benefit God’s people—this is faithfulness.

What must you do? First, we serve God by faithfully attending worship service. We do so for our own sake: spiritual growth. God is most concerned about your spiritual growth. In fact, if you are not spiritually vibrant, God cannot use you. Thus, service starts with faithfulness in your spiritual growth. If you wish to be used by God, you must be faithful in your worship service, Quiet Time, and other spiritual activities. Above all, you must live a holy life. Keep away from sin and do not love the world. Second, do not just think about how you can use your gift. Rather, think about what the church needs. Then use what you have to meet the church’s needs. There are areas of ministry that are not in the limelight and are more demanding. One is Children Sunday School. The other is refreshments and cleaning-up. Yet another is operating the audio-visual system. There are others which I cannot name due to lack of space. But my point is this: Will you be willing to serve the Lord in areas where manpower is lacking but may not be as appealing? This is faithfulness. Third, faithfulness means you are present and ready to serve when your turn comes. I also urge you to improve your ministry skills by taking up training. How can you give your best when you are not learning continuously? Think of ways to raise efficiency and proficiency.

Dear Christians, whether or not you have been faithful in your service for the Lord will one day be judged by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who knows our motives, efforts and faithfulness. What counts is not “what” ministry. Rather, what counts is this “how” of the ministry: Are you faithful in whatever God has tasked you to do? Let’s serve by remembering the Lord will one day judge us. Seek to please God, not humans.

Dear non-Christian friend, what gives meaning to life? When what you do lasts eternity. First, you must believe in Jesus. Then you can receive eternal life. Second, only when you have eternal life, which is the holy life of God, the resurrection life, then are you empowered to serve God and bear fruits that last eternity. Blessed New Year.