Enjoying the Abundant Life

Angels rejoice when a sinner repents and enters the kingdom of God. We rejoice with Yu Jie and Zhongfu who were baptised last week. We also welcome Cun Liang into Tree of Life Christian Church. I pray for every Christian in Tree of Life Christian Church, especially for those who are new believers in this church that as Paul says: “Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving” (Col 2:6-7).

When you receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you receive at that moment also God’s eternal life and you will never lose this gift of eternal life. We thank the Lord Jesus: He loves you to eternity and will never forsake you (Heb 13:5). It is, however, not only your Saviour’s desire for you to receive heaven but also for you to enjoy this abundant life now on earth and to live a life that will please and glorify Him. There are four critical factors that will help you to grow in spiritual maturity.

First, you need to study and obey God’s Word—the Bible. When God’s Word is preached from the pulpit, God will speak to you. Your objective is not to hear some nice stories or jokes [!!] but your attitude should be: I want to understand the meaning of this passage; I want to know what God wants me to do. If you maintain such an attitude, you will surely grow to be a good Christian. I encourage you to take notes. This will help you crystallize your thoughts and deepen your impression of what you hear. I urge you also to attend the Adult Sunday School. This is where you can study God’s Word systematically and you can also clarify you doubts. Furthermore, you can fellowship and learn from other Christians as they share on how they live according to what you have studied.

Second, you must be prayerful. We have many needs and challenges in life. We need God to help us. Through prayer, God gives you what you need because He is your kind Heavenly Father who desires to give you the best. Many Christians can testify that when we pray, we receive the all surpassing peace of God (Phil 4:6-6). I encourage you to take a Tuesday Prayer Meeting list. It will help you to pray systematically. If you can, do come for the church Tuesday Prayer Meeting.

Third, maintain close fellowship with other Christians. A lighted match stick burns but for a few seconds but when thousands of them burn together, not only will they burn brightly, it is very difficult to put out the fire. In the same way, I urge you to attend fellowship meetings and Adult Sunday School. It will keep you from falling away from God. There, you can share your burdens, pray and encourage each other. We can do so because the Holy Spirit lives in each of us and gives love, wisdom and strength to build one another.

Fourth, you must share the gospel. Evangelism is God’s heartbeat. We know that because God sent His only Son to die on the cross for us just to save sinners like us. It is your duty to share the gospel. What can you do? Pray for them. When the Holy Spirit works, even hearts of stone will soften. Be a good testimony: Be kind and love them as God also loves us unconditionally. Bring them to church services and evangelistic meetings.

If you faithfully study God’s word, maintain deep fellowship with Christians, pray and serve God by preaching the gospel, you will live a life that pleases God. He will bless you and you will also enjoy abundant life. Walk close with your Saviour and Lord. He is good.