Criteria for the Office of a Deacon
He/she must be “worthy of respect.” That entails the following three things. 1.“Not double tongued:” what he/she says must be trustworthy which includes keeping his/her word, avoiding gossip, saying what he/she means and not saying what is not meant. It is important for a leader to control the tongue as much trouble is created by gossip and unnecessary words. 2.“Not indulging in much wine:” the point is that he/she does not allow activities, whether good of bad in themselves, to control him/her to the point that he/she sins against God or wastes time to the extent that he/she neglects his/her duties. Such activities can include drinking wine to the extent of getting drunk or surfing the internet or watching movies for many hours. A leader cannot lose control of himself/herself. If you cannot control your habits, it is a matter of time before you commit serious or hidden sins. 3. “Not pursuing dishonest gains:” He/she must not love money to the point of questionable integrity. 4. “They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience:” He/she must be doctrinally sound, clear about what is right or wrong on important theological issues about God, salvation, etc. 5. “Tested:” He/she must have, through past service, proven himself/herself to be faithful. When a task is given to him/her, he/she will give of his/her best. 6. “Managing their children and their households well:” He/she must be making serious effort in disciplining his/her children that they learn to honour and love God. That does not mean that a child cannot misbehave. That is not possible but he/she must demonstrate effort and wisdom in managing children and the family.
Responsibilities of the Congregation
Christians must understand that it is an extremely difficult task. Many leaders have shared, in moments of discouragement, that they would rather not lead because when things are well done, very few remember to thank them but when things are not to their liking, leaders are always the first to be blamed. If you are unhappy with some things, tell them respectfully and if they insist on their view point, by God’s grace, submit to them. Leaders are not above the truth: When they err, when necessary, they must be rebuked and corrected. However, please, do not gossip or undermine the authority of leaders. Be warned: the great leader, Moses, was attacked once by Aaron and Miriam and God rebuked them saying, “Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?” (Exo 12:8) and Miriam was punished with leprosy. Korah and a large group of leaders rebelled against Moses and the ground opened and swallowed them alive (Exo 16). Encourage your leaders. They love your souls. Submit to them. Then they can shepherd you with joy that you may grow spiritually and you will receive God’s blessings in abundance. Vote for them and let them know they have your full support of love from you. Encourage them for Christ’s and your sake. The candidates for this election are Liu Kerh Li, Teo Chin Tian, Koo Sin Kok and Foo Sio Siong. Please pray for them.