Co-Labourers in Prayer

The Lord has been working in our church.  Souls are saved, lives have changed and God’s people receive blessings because many are serving God faithfully.

But these blessings have come also because there is a group of about 11-15 persons who faithfully attend the Church Prayer Meeting on Tuesday to pray.  They are the labourers in prayer.  This group of people has been critical in sustaining the spiritual life of the church.  It is thus no coincidence that the Lord has been working in this church.  For you, I give thanks to God because the Lord has used you greatly.

On one occasion, Jesus told his disciples that “in a little while you will see me no more” (John 16:16) because Jesus will be betrayed and die.  After that He will return to heaven to be with the Heavenly Father.  The disciples, however, can still rejoice—because they can pray and God will supply them their needs so that they can continue to enjoy the presence of the Lord. That is possible when the disciples do what Jesus exhorts them: “Until now, you have not asked for anything in my name.  Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete” (John 16:24).

Today, you too can experience the joy of Jesus’ presence including the joy of having your needs met when you pray.  Just as a child has the privilege of receiving good things from his parents when he asks of them, you too are endowed with the privilege of receiving good things from your Almighty Heavenly Father.  But you need to pray because God desires to hear you ask from Him.  If you do not pray regularly, I urge you to start today and pray every day.  Pray for yourselves, your family members and children.  But your prayer should not be just about your own needs.  You must pray also for the church not only because you love the Lord but also because the church’s well being is critical for your well being.

I request you to pray regularly for several things.  First, please pray for wisdom to negotiate with the tenant who is still occupying our future premises.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will move the tenant to relocate, God willing, by early April this year.

Second, pray also that the Lord will give to us and the contractor wisdom and creativity to do the interior design that space might be optimised and that it might be conducive for worship.

Third, pray also for the church camp.  I will be speaking from the Books of First and Second Kings, a total of 5 main messages.  The theme will be “Obey and Succeed.”  Pray that you will thirst and hunger for God’s Word and life, “the good portion [that] will not be taken away” (Luke 10:42) from you, the real blessing.  Pray for successful application of leave, wisdom to arrange programs, for rooms, food and other matters related to logistics.  Pray also for teachers to teach the children when the adults are hearing the sermons.  Pray for the church camp committee as they plan and lead.

Fourth, pray for the many new believers in our church that the Lord will strengthen their faith.  Pray that they will put away sinful and bad habits and read the Bible and pray daily.  Pray that they will be faithful in attending Sunday Worship Service which is critical for their growth.

You need not pray for everything in one setting. You can divide these and other items among the 7 days of a week.  For instance, you can pray for salvation of souls on Monday, new believers on Tuesday, church renovation on Wednesday, church camp on Thursday, etc.  Pray and you will receive and your joy will be complete.  Start today.