Church Annual Gospel Rally

Since Tree of Life Christian Church was founded, a gospel rally is held every year.  In the years 2009 and 2010, the gospel rally was held on the Maundy Thursday (eve of Good Friday).  Sermon topics revolved around the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus: “Spitting and Shame” (’09), “The Nails of Jesus” (’10).  From 2011, the day of the gospel rally was changed to the Friday prior the beginning of the mid-term school holidays.  Sermon topics included “The Touch of Jesus” (‘11) and “What is Life?” (’12).  When I reflected upon these gospel meetings, my heart is filled with gratitude.  First, I am thankful to all the brothers and sisters for earnestly inviting their non-Christian friends and relatives to attend.  This indicates how concerned you are about the salvation of their souls.  Second, I am grateful that in addition to your zeal in evangelizing, our brothers and sisters also assisted in the preparation of the Gospel meetings.  Almost everyone participated in the choir.  The gospel seed was scattered and it took root within new comers, and brought forth faith in Christ!

The 2013 Gospel meeting will be held on 6thof September.   Rev Goh Seng Fong will preach on “Sin Problem.”  In this present world of relativism, the personal code of conduct is increasingly self-focused and righteousness is overwritten by self-centeredness as the yardstick for making decisions in life. When such an attitude to living is adopted, the pursuit of personal pleasure becomes the goal of many.  In this chase, no one cares even if pleasure is obtained at the expense of others.  What is sin?  As this generation becomes increasingly selfish, they will think little of this.  However, it is exactly in such an environment that many suffer the repercussion of sin.  Exploited workers, toxic food scare, divorce and every type of hurting and harmful incidences are morphing right in front of us and not just in the papers.  Therefore, the problem of sin is definitely affecting us.  Sin deprives you of a good life and a vibrant relationship with God.  As Christians, we all understand this truth: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).  Every person in the world, whether he is wealthy or not, or if he is living a smooth sailing life, healthy or otherwise, are all affected by sin.  They hence lack real peace.  Moreover, the “wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).  Likewise, our close relatives and friends are also plagued by the problems of sin.  If sin is not resolved, one not only does not enjoy true peace in life, they will face the terrible punishment of hell.

The gospel rally is about a month and a half away.  Do seize this opportunity to invite your non-Christian loved ones to attend the meeting.  You can inform the church of the names of those whom you wish to invite and we will pray for them during prayer meeting.  We ask the Lord to soften the hearts of these friends and relatives, so that they may have a willing heart to hear the gospel.  Likewise, we also pray for you, that the Lord may grant you wisdom and grace to invite them.  Besides praying and waiting upon God to touch hearts, we should also do our part to show genuine concern to those around us and help them in practical ways in times of need.  This will be a good testimony to move them to come to hear to the gospel that they may know Jesus.

In addition, we also appeal to everyone to stay back after lunch for the choir practice on the following Sundays.  With a sizeable group to present the songs, the song presentation will be enhanced and the hymns will definitely be more heart moving.  Thus, we encourage every brother and sister, both young and old, to join the practice with one heart.  At the same time, we can take the opportunity to build up relationship with one another.

Truly, church brothers and sisters have zealously participated in the past four gospel meetings.  Let us come together once again to serve as we still have many friends and relatives who are outside the door of salvation.  They are waiting for us to bring the good news of the gospel to them.