Christmas Carolling

The apostle Paul, in writing to the Christians of the church in Corinth, says: “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!  If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me.” (1Co 9:16-17).  During those ancient times, preaching the gospel often involved much suffering.  Paul was beaten, ridiculed, and on numerous occasions, he almost died.  It was against such a backdrop that Paul penned those words—despite such extreme trials, he was determined to continue preaching the gospel.

What was his motivation?  First, if he preached the gospel willingly, God would reward him with a reward that has eternal and infinite value.  Second, Paul went on to say that if he did not feel like preaching it because of the great sufferings involved, he would still do it because it was his responsibility.  In other words, whether he liked it or not, he must preach the gospel.  You too have that responsibility—you owe everyone a debt, the gospel.

In less than a month’s time, we will celebrate Christmas when we will remember the birth of our Lord Jesus.  This is one of the best times to preach the gospel because it is easier to invite non-Christians to Christmas gatherings where we can share the gospel with them.  Of course, you can and must preach the gospel at all times, but preaching it during the Christmas season involves less resistance.  For this reason, our church has started training for Christmas carolling.  We will visit homes where we will sing Christmas songs while running pictures taken from the gospel of Luke.  We will also share the gospel.  It is a time when non-Christian family members and friends can mingle with us in a cosy home setting.

Hence, I urge you to join in the caroling team.  Better still, open up your homes and invite your family members and friends to come to your home that they may experience and understand the real meaning of Christmas—a time of receiving the precious salvation of God, even eternal life.

Unless you have more important things to do, things related to the gospel work, if not, I strongly encourage you to join in the carolling team on 24th December 2012.  You have freely received and experienced the goodness of God’s salvation, the new and eternal life of Christ.  How can you not also freely give of your time and effort that others too may receive the precious gift of salvation?  How can you be so selfish?  Do not miss this opportunity to share the gospel with your loved ones.  Once Christmas is passed, it will be more difficult to invite them for gospel meetings.

Thus, put aside other things which are of lesser importance. Stay back for the Christmas carolling practice.  By faith, open up your homes for caroling.  Friends and relatives will come if you pray and trust God.  Serve God.  If you love the Lord, you must preach the gospel.  Work hard and stay back after worship service and lunch for just 4 more practices.  The Lord will use you to do work of eternal value.

Are you planning to go on holidays during Christmas?  Or perhaps you have a Christmas party to attend on the 24th of December?  The most meaningful way to celebrate Christmas is to be able to share the precious gift of salvation with someone during Christmas.  What is the reason?  Your loved ones and friends need urgently God’s salvation of eternal life and the true peace of God.  Come and join the team.