Chinese New Year: Share the Gospel

God has given to each of us a boat. We must save all we can (a quote adapted from Moody the great evangelist). This boat is the gospel. The people who would soon drown in hell are sinners. The Chinese New Year is a good opportunity to share the gospel. How can we do so?

Jesus once had a meal with a sinner (Luke 5:27-32). His name was Levi a  nd he was a tax collector. He was greatly disliked by his fellow country men, the Jews. They disliked him and called him a “sinner” because he collected from his own people more taxes than he should in order to earn more money for himself. When the people saw Jesus eating with this sinner, they complained to Jesus’ disciples, saying, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” (Luke 5:30). To this, Jesus replied, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32).

The Chinese Lunar New Year is a time when we could eat and drink with our friends and relatives, a time when we could talk in a relax and friendly setting. This is a good time to share our faith. You can start conversations by enquiring about how they are doing at their school work/jobs, how their children are growing up, or health. If they share about some of the challenges they face, share with them your challenges too. But share also how you overcome or are coping now with some practical measures. More importantly, tell them how you depend on God for help. You may still be facing your problem. But let them know how prayer and support from Christians in church have helped and encouraged you. Let them see that Christians face life challenges too but we can depend on God for help. Invite them to church or to our coming gospel rally on 5th September 2020 (Chinese Gospel Rally) and 6th September 2020 (English Gospel Rally). Invite them also to the weekly Sunday Worship. Woodlands is a relatively convenient location accessible to many parts of Singapore by MRT or even by bus.

For those who are in a position to give out “red packets,” I urge you to insert a gospel tract along with your gift. The church has purchased red packets with Christian designs. Each family can get for free a stack of 10 packets for free. If you want more, you can buy from the church at $2 for one stack of 10 packets (at cost price). But do remember to insert a gospel tract, which is also available from the reception area for free.

God has given you a boat to save people who are drowning in sin. Save them. This is our responsibility to God and to the world. Paul says, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel” (1 Cor 9:16). How could you not preach the gospel when you know that without Jesus people will be tormented in hell for eternity! How could we be so hard-hearted? “It is so troublesome and uncomfortable to talk about Jesus.” But Jesus says, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matt 10:8). It takes effort to talk about Jesus. It makes you and the listener uncomfortable. It requires you to step out of your comfort zone. It requires you to pay a price. But Jesus paid a high price, namely, His life, to save you. He gave you His life for free. You too must give of your efforts for free. If not, “woe” to you.

Let’s emulate Jesus’ example: He ate and drank with sinners for the purpose of saving souls. Let’s seize this Chinese New year to save souls too.