Celebrating Christmas

Since young, many like I, always look forward to the Christmas season.  Several reasons make the season joyous: the cool December weather, holidays, the beautiful Christmas carols, and presents.  The giving of presents captures the meaning of Christmas.

My point is not that you must buy a present for someone this Christmas, but rather that as you give or receive presents, you must be reminded of a greater truth: Christmas is about God giving us the most precious gift, His one and only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16):

For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Such an understanding of Christmas should guide us as to how we celebrate Christmas (By the way, some churches do not celebrate Christmas for good reasons.  If, however angels, who appeared to man in a big company when Jesus was born, celebrate by praising God, we should celebrate it too).

First, Christmas is about God giving you and me eternal life.  God’s greatest desire for you this Christmas is that you might enjoy His eternal life.  Let us during this Christmas season renew our relationship with our Saviour in order that He might once again shower on us His blessings.  How is your relationship with your Saviour, the Lord Jesus?  Are you walking closely with Him, enjoying His presence?  Or are you frustrated, weary, and unhappy?  Jesus says (Matt 11:28-30):

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Trust Jesus that He can give you rest.  Go to Him for rest.  But to obtain that rest, you need to take “my [Jesus’] yoke upon you.”  A yoke was an instrument put on animals to till the ground.  That means, the condition for real rest is to stop doing things your way, but to do what Jesus’ wants you to do.  Then our Lord promises you real rest.

Second, let us emulate the example of our Heavenly Father in giving.  Our Father unreservedly gave us His most precious Son, in order that sinners including you and I might be saved from the eternal hell.  Christmas is only meaningfully spent when you have given another person the most precious gift, our Lord Jesus and eternal life.  Do enjoy Christmas with your loved ones and friends but take this opportunity to share the gospel with them.  The carolling team will be going to a few homes to sing Christmas carols and present the gospel message.  Pray for your unbelieving friends and relatives.  Invite them to the homes.  Pray that God will work in hearts that they would gladly receive God’s salvation.  Pray also for the carolling team, the speaker and for good weather.  When your relatives and friends receive Jesus as Saviour and enjoy eternal life, you would have given them the best Christmas present—eternal life.

Third, if Jesus is not your Saviour, I urge you: believe in Jesus today.  Why would you want to carry the heavy burden of life all alone any longer?  Let Jesus carry them for you.  Then your burden will be light and easy and you will find real peace in your hearts.  Most importantly, you will enjoy eternal life and have the sure hope of heaven.