First, think about the meaning of spring cleaning. If you disregard the superstitions that accompany spring cleaning, it is a good tradition to keep. This practice seeks to clean up our homes so that we can have a new start for the new year.
The Bible says that “if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone. The new is here” (2 Cor 5:17). A new life begins when our sins are washed away and we receive the new life that Jesus gives us. Hence, the Lunar Chinese New Year should remind Christians to put away sinful habits and live the new life, a life that is holy, filled with meaning that comes from living to please our Lord Jesus Christ. Are you holding on to some sinful habits? It’s time to spring clean your life and make a decision to put away sin. Are you living your life the way that Jesus your Lord wants you to? It’s time to make some changes. Make plans and do the things that your Lord desires. It can be a resolution to be faithful and punctual for Sunday Worship Service. If you are not regular in your Quiet Time, decide on a place, time, and Bible book and start keeping your Quiet Time with your Lord.
Second, the Chinese Lunar New Year is preceded by Reunion Dinner because Chinese hold as very dear our family. We also do home visits because we see as important our relationships with our relatives. I urge you to do visitations. You can catch up on your sleep and rest. But do allocate time to visit your loved ones and relatives or even close friends. But let me propose an even more meaningful way to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Married couples will give “ang pow” or red packets to children and perhaps our elders. The money you give is a show of appreciation for them. This is good. But money cannot last forever. Let me suggest that you do two things.
First, the best gift you can give them is eternal life, the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, besides putting money into the red packets, consider putting in a gospel tract. You can get them for free from the church reception counter.
Second, be a good testimony during the visitation. Don’t complain about the tiredness or hot weather during visitation. Be cheerful and friendly. Be kind. Talk wisely and say things that will encourage and comfort people. Don’t boast. Also, do not stop the visitation here. The church gospel rally is in September. But if you hope to be able to invite friends and your loved ones to the gospel rally, this is an excellent opportunity to renew and build friendship. After this visit, continue to keep in touch with them. You need to start building good relationships if you hope to invite people to the gospel rally eight months later. Thus, work for the gospel rally starts in the Lunar Chinese New Year. Then, if they come, they will get to hear the precious gospel of salvation and receive the gift of eternal life. Then, you would have given them the best “ang pow.”