Audio-Visual operators: Thank you for sacrificing the comfort during worship (e.g., you had to operate the slides as you worship the Lord) so that we could worship the Lord in comfort. Be at the AV equipment area half hour before the worship service starts. Check every equipment to ensure they are in working condition and are set in the right mode. Do a quick revision on how to operate the equipment. Then you can minimise hiccups. Don’t be too upset if disruptions happen which could be beyond your control.
Ushers: Thank you for taking effort to be dressed in the appropriate attire. Be seated at least 5 minutes before worship. For attire, avoid jeans and other inappropriate attire. Where possible, carry the offering bags with two hands. Give out the “New Friends” pack to new friends. Welcome the new friends.
Greeters: Thank you for coming early and for welcoming guests even when the worship has started. Be at the reception area half hour before time. Ensure that hymn books, Bibles, and weeklies are neatly placed. Greet both regular worshippers and new friends warmly from the heart with the kindness of Jesus. Remember: you are the first face that new friends see. Request the new friends, if they are willing, to write down their particulars in the guest book.
Refreshments: Thank you for preparing refreshments. You had to wake up early to prepare and then arrange them on the table. Thank you also for washing and cleaning up whilst we just enjoy the food and fellowship. Don’t be weary in doing good.
Scripture Reading/Responsive Reading: Thank you practising reading and taking up the courage to come on stage to read. Be appropriately dressed. As you read God’s Word on stage, you should also love read God’s Word off stage: you should be a person who loves, reads, and meditates on God’s Word in your personal walk with God.
Pianist: Thank you for taking effort to practice and then taking courage to play in public. Be at the piano 15 minutes before time to prepare the setting. Start playing at least 5 minutes before the worship service starts. This is to prepare hearts to worship God.
The above-mentioned Sunday ministries are printed in the roster. There are other areas of Sunday service which are very important but are not printed in the weekly duty roster. This includes: physical arrangement of chairs and tables, and turning-on of the air-con which require them to come early; cleaning up the place including throwing away rubbish and mopping the floor; counting of offerings; upkeeping the premises including maintaining the nuts, bolts, and hinges, etc.; preparation of the Lord’s Supper and washing up. There are numerous other areas of service which I do not have space on which to elaborate. To these people who work behind the scene and whom others do not see, the Lord knows your service to Him. I urge you not to be weary in doing good.
Dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ, let us serve the Lord faithfully from our hearts. Then the Lord will reward you: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (2 Cor 5:10).