Are You An “A” Or “F” Student?

It is the time of the year when students sit for their final examinations at the end of the year or major phase in life. Our students have studied hard through the year.  Much time and effort is needed to understand and apply these concepts and pass these examinations with flying colours. They need to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills which will ultimately prepare them for their future careers. Taking the examinations may be nerve-wrecking to most or a breeze to an elite few. The key lies in our preparation.  Are you consistently and diligently listening and completing your assignments with understanding ? Some dread the day when they have to take examinations while others look forward to them, knowing that the reward will be celebration and play time. The day that we take the examination is like a judgement day. It determines whether we qualify for the professional work ahead of us, or not.

God’s word has clearly warned us in Hebrews 9:27 – “Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment”. In the same way, after we die, we will go before our Almighty God to be tested in the examination that God has set for us. Academic students take years to study and prepare for these examinations. Likewise, we too need to spend our lifetime in preparing for this critical and important final examination of our life. Whether we pass or fail this examination, it will determine our eternal destiny.  God’s Word is very clear that we will stand before the judgement seat of God and take this final life examination when we die.

All of us, without exception,  will die. We read that in Romans 6:23 – “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” All of us, without exception, will face God and take this final life examination. The important question we have to ask ourselves is “Will I be able pass God’s examination?”  God’s word is very clear. By our own efforts, we will fail, and, miserably at that.  God’s Word says in Isaiah 64:6a – “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags”

The only way for you and I to pass this final examination with flying colours is to believe and trust what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross of Calvary.  It was at Calvary that Jesus Christ satisfied God’s righteous judgement.  He died on the cross to take away our sins.  In shedding His blood, He was able to cleanse us and remove all our sins.  Only when we believe in Jesus Christ as our only personal Saviour, we are made righteous. It is also only then, that God will see us made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ. Conversely, without it, we will not be able to pass God’s judgement.

May I urge you to trust and believe in God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, to be your LORD and Saviour.  This is the only step we need to take to pass life’s final examination. To prove that we have truly qualified, our faith is manifested when we read God’s word diligently, make effort and time for daily communion with God, and worship and have fellowship regularly with brethren.

I am very comforted and encouraged when I see the joyful countenance of a dear sister in-Christ.  She is full of joy and seeks refuge as the psalmist did in Psalm 46. Her physical body may be wrecked by cancer cells, and she had a lot of difficulty trying to remember her friends, but she could quote Psalm 46 easily, and aptly so, as a favourite passage in God’s Word. Her joy in the Lord during this extremely difficult time comes from her daily walk with God.

May we emulate this sister who has trusted and believed in Jesus Christ as her only personal Saviour. Let us draw close to God in our lifetime so that we can pass this final examination in overflowing joy and with flying colours.  If we are not prepared, we will instead be terrified when we are on death’s bed.

May we be excellent students of God along life’s journey.