Another Phase of Growth

As you look around the worship hall today, you may find all in all about 20 to 40 persons in the room, with many chairs still unoccupied. Or, it may just occur to you that just last week you were serving as greeter and today you are back again in the ministry team as usher. Not too long ago, our worship services were attended by more people and the atmosphere was better; our service in the worship ministry team was not as frequent as now, and we could participate in the worship service in a more relaxed mood. The present arrangement of two worship services seems to be worse off than what we had previously. Is it truly so? Not really.

We all went through a wonderful journey together. Back in year 2009, when we were still a tiny Chinese church with 10 to 20 people, we prayed to start an English congregation. We have seen how God brought in suitable people into our midst over the years for this purpose. The way God worked is marvellous, beyond our ability and expectations! To start two congregations, we need sufficient space to support the growth but how could we possibly expand our current place? Whether it was to buy or to rent a place, where do get the funds to finance such expansion? Once again, God revealed His wonderful acts of provision! In His good time, we stumbled upon a unit on the same floor and it had the size and configuration that met our needs! At the same time, God also moved brethren here to give or loan generously to church, such that we were able to raise a substantial sum of money over just a couple of months. Thank God! We must also thank all of you here for your love and concern for the church. To kick start two separate congregations, we also need to address the shortage of people in our weekly ministry team. In fact, we need to double the size of our ministry team. Again, we experienced God’s timely provision. Many of us in the church were moved to serve and take up more responsibilities. God also raised up more pianists and children Sunday School teachers. The trainings for pianists and teachers actually take a long time and this shows that He made these preparations way before our needs surfaced.

Upon reflecting on all these developments that took place in the first half of the year, we could not be more thankful to God! Meanwhile, this period of change was also a great time for us to experience God in a deeper way and to motivate us to grow further. As we step out of our comfort zone, be willing to spend more time and energy to serve in church. This will spur us on not to be always on the receiving end of goodness but also to give such goodness to others through your service. This is already a growth on a personal level. When all in the church are fervent in serving the Lord, we become mutual encouragements to each other, just as what the Bible says in Hebrews 10:24, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” As all of us dedicate ourselves in serving one another, we receive more as we give. Our church will then overflow with God’s love and this is when we grow as a church.

The many empty chairs in the worship hall may have dampened our worship atmosphere but they are also reminders that we should and we could do more for the Lord. They removed our “we are not bad” perception of ourselves that have been lowering our guard in our service to the Lord and remind us that there is much to be done. Many of our dear ones are counting on us for their salvation through the gospel; many on the streets are living aimlessly because they have not come to know the Lord. If, as a church, we remain in our comfort zone, the main problem that we are going to face is not that we are unable to grow. Rather, it is the outright disobedience to our Lord’s command to go and make disciples of all nations. We will then grow cold towards God. Halfhearted Christians and halfhearted church as a result will face rebuke from the Lord! (Rev 3:14-22).

We believe that God is leading us in developing the two congregations. We must then seize the opportunity to build God’s church and be part of the growth. “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” (Rom 12:11)