The church meets next Lord’s Day for our yearly Annual Congregation Meeting. This is the church’s responsibility to the government. At the same time, we meet to discuss the business of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please attend.
We will present to all the financial status of our church. The leaders will also share on the progress of the various ministries and the future plans. We will also cast votes for the various positions of the church committee, namely, the posts of president, secretary, treasurer, and members. In preparation, I ask that you do several things.
First, I urge the leaders who are standing for election to renew your commitment to God. Understand this, that “no one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). As you take up the post, resolve in your heart to be faithful to your calling to serve His people. This verse also applies to every Christian: since you have received Jesus as your Saviour and Lord of your life, resolve to serve and follow Him faithfully. Since you belong to the kingdom of God, live a life that is worthy of His kingdom. Dear Christian and especially leaders, if you wish to serve the Lord, you need to make sacrifices. Are the sacrifices worth making? Jesus exhorts us saying: “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life” (Luke 18:29-30). Stop loving the world and the pleasures of sin. Stop being double-minded.
Second, please encourage and support these leaders. These leaders have to attend prayers meetings (a requirement that is stipulated in the church constitution), attend training classes and teach, organise and lead various activities and ministries like church camps, Family Day, visitations, cell group meetings, etc. For most of us, we come to church only on Sundays. For these leaders, they are out doing God’s work for up to four days a week. In other words, after a hard day’s work, they do not get to rest but return home only after 10pm. Besides these responsibilities, they have to spend time in the night preparing lessons. Dear Christians, they work very hard. Please give them your fullest support and encouragement. They are people who love the Lord and who love you. The least you can do for them is not to discourage them. Rather, encourage them with kind words. Most importantly, pray for them.
Third, as we discuss the various items, if you have questions or suggestions, do tell all of us. Be concerned about our Heavenly Father’s business. At the same time, before you suggest, think through the issue carefully. Also, speak the truth in love, as you all have always done so in the past. May the Lord prosper His church.