A Three-Fold Growth

We do not know much about what Jesus was like when he was a young boy. The only account in the Bible records an event that happened to Jesus when he was twelve years old. Why twelve years old? During the ancient times, a Jew was responsible to God for his actions at the age of thirteen and was then considered a matured person. Thus, by relating an event that occurred when Jesus was twelve, the author, Luke, is attempting to tell us what Jesus growth was like. The key verse is “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). I urge you to work hard to grow in these three areas too. Then, like Jesus, “the grace of God” (2:40) will be on you. You will be someone whom God uses greatly for His glory.

First, Jesus grew in wisdom. I urge you to increase your understanding of doctrines. Read the Westminster Confession of Faith. There are also books on theology in the library. Read them. Start off with the topic on salvation. Most importantly, read your Bible. It is a good practice to read the Bible once through every one or two years. But the wisdom here refers to wisdom to live life in a godly and practical way. Use this knowledge that you gather from Christian doctrines and the Bible to live godly lives.

Second, Jesus grew in favour with God, that is, as Jesus grew older, God became more and more pleased with Him. The reason why God was very pleased with Jesus was because Jesus was always very concerned about the things of God (Luke 2:49). Put God first in your life. In your service for God, be faithful. Give your best to Him. When you serve Him in church, think also as to how you can do things better so that God’s people receive spiritual benefits. Be concerned for the well-being of God’s church, that is, God’s people. Is anyone sick? Is anyone discouraged? Is anyone in difficulty?  Is the church in need of help? Be concerned. Take initiatives to help. Serve and not to be served. Be a servant and not wait for others to serve you. Love others and not wait for others to love you. Do so because you love the Lord.

Third, Jesus also grew in favour with human beings. Spiritual maturity is measured by wisdom to handle matters in a godly way. It is also measured by your concern for the things of God. Finally, it is also measured by how you manage relationships with people around you. If you are unable to get along well with people, unable to forgive, unable to be kind and gracious to people, these are all signs of spiritual immaturity. The problem does not lie with others but with what is inside you. I am not saying that the other offending party is right or wrong. That is not the point. Even if the other person is wrong, it does not mean that you have to bear grudges against that person. The fact that you cannot forgive shows that you are unable to handle relationships. But when you are able to be kind to the unkind, love the unlovable, you are growing as Jesus grew: “in favour with man.”

I urge you, in this new year, to work hard at these three areas: grow in wisdom, grow in your favour with God, and grow in your favour with human beings, even the difficult people. If you grow in these three areas, as Jesus received God’s favour in great measure, you will too. May the Lord bless you in this new year.