a person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without Him, who can eat or find enjoyment?
But for Christians (at least in Tree of Life Christian Church), besides resting and enjoying, you have also chosen to spend December in a very meaningful way: reaching out to those still outside Christ by sharing with them the gospel of Jesus Christ. I thank God for all of you.
In our recent Christmas Gospel Sunday, you have supported gospel work by coming for both worship services at 11am and 2pm. Many of you also brought new friends: in both Chinese and English services each, about 20 new friends attended each service. In total we have 41 new friends who came for last Sunday’s gospel meeting. But this is not all. The Chinese gospel Sunday worship also reached some parts in China, Australia, and America where 10 persons heard the gospel. Christians overseas actually gathered their friends and relatives to attend the worship service online. Thus, a total of about 51 new friends attended the worship service, and heard the gospel message, the choir and the testimony of salvation. I thank God for all of you! You have worked hard to bring the gospel that saves eternally to lost souls.
In the week that leads to Christmas, not a few of you also went Christmas carolling (the church did not organise it this time). Four carolling groups presented the Christmas gospel message to four families (subject to a maximum of five visitors in each visitation). I thank God for you!
But why are we so busy at a time when everyone is resting and enjoying the festive season? Let me suggest: you know that people need Jesus. You love souls above loving yourselves. Hence, you make sacrifices to rest and enjoy less to save souls. You have done well. You know everyone needs Jesus. No matter how happy a person is now, that person does not have true happiness. How can they be truly happy when they know they will die one day? The most frightening truth is: the Bible—God’s word—which is amazingly accurate says very clearly that there is heaven and hell. How can they be truly happy when they feel deeply empty in their hearts which is made worse by daily sufferings and frustrations? No, they cannot have true happiness and peace. But we thank God, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28). Jesus can truly satisfy us now and forever completely. Yes, completely and perfectly. This is a fact because Christians have experienced it. For this reason, you would rather rest and play less, and work hard in December to proclaim the gospel. The Lord has noticed your love for him. It does not matter whether people whom you invited or to whom you tried to preach the gospel accepted or rejected you. You will not lose your eternal reward. Yes, Jesus says: “the sower and the reaper [will be] glad together” (John 4:36).
But do not stop here. I urge you to set a goal for the new year 2022: Identify three persons and resolve to pray for them daily. Care for them. Bring them to next year’s gospel meetings. Bring them eternal life. I wish you God’s richest blessings in the coming new year of 2022.