How can you tell your students: “Be attentive when I’m teaching you God’s Word,” when you yourself are not attentive or faithful in attending classes and when hearing sermons? How can you tell others, “You must do this or that” when you yourself fail to do so? Thus, before you can be a teacher, you must be an exemplary student and Christian. One guiding principle is this: if you would not want your student to do something or behave in a certain way, you yourself should not do or behave that way too, even in secret! Otherwise, you are a hypocrite. You must be full of godly goodness before you can help others to be godly people. How you talk, serve, dress, etc. are important. In fact, even what you write in your Facebook reflects your values of life. Therefore, be careful, lest you stumble your students.
Second, Doctrines. Know the important doctrines of the Christian faith. Of course, we do not know everything. Minimally, you should work hard at knowing better Christian doctrines. Children can sometimes ask you a simple question that is theologically loaded. I urge every teacher, even parents, know your Bible doctrines. I strongly encourage all to read the “Westminster Confession of Faith.” Start with the Shorter Catechism. We print a question each week in the weeklies. The Westminster Catechisms are a good summary of what the church believes in. The library also has systematic theology books. Read them.
Third, Quiet Time. You must be faithful in your Quiet Time. This is a time when you draw near to God to read His Word and pray to Him. This personal holy time with your Saviour is your strength to live life and also to teach. You cannot be a teacher if you do not spend daily time drawing strength from your Saviour. May you be faithful to your calling as a teacher and bear many fruits for the Lord.
First, Spiritual Life. You cannot be a teacher if you are not not a good student. Before you can teach, you must be a Christian who thirsts and hunger after God’s Word. Thus, Paul once told the church elders: “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers” (Acts 20:28). Teachers, if you want to bring spiritual life to others, you must be overflowing with spiritual life. How can you nurse others back to spiritual health when you yourself are spiritually sick? Of course, no one is without weaknesses. Minimally, however, you should work hard at growing spiritually.