What price did you pay to obtain this grace? You did nothing. Even if you would like to contribute to your salvation, you cannot because you are saved by grace (Eph 2:8). However, was nothing paid to accomplish your salvation? Jesus died on the cross, the cruelest form of death sentence ever invented in history. He could have come down from the cross but He did not because Jesus knew that if He chose not to suffer, you will perish for eternity.
The gospel was preached by Jesus’ disciples, who for the gospel, were persecuted by the Romans and Judaizers. Some even died for that. Numerous missionaries for the sake of preaching the gospel left their comfortable homes. Some even paid with their lives that you may hear the gospel. When the Roman Catholic Church was in power in 400-1500 B.C. in Europe, it was because many reformers, like Martin Luther, who risked their lives even to the point of being burnt alive that you and I might hear the gospel and be saved. Today, many servants of God and missionaries who were prospering in the world left the world to serve God full-time that they preach the gospel and build lives. Are they all fools that they did not even care for their own lives? No, they know too well the consequence of not having the gospel: Man will head towards eternal destruction and perish. They know too well the consequence: live in bondage to sin, and live a life of suffering and emptiness, and then perish eternally in hell.
Today, you have heard the pure gospel. You did not pay any price. Others did that you may experience the new life, that your soul may escape from hell and sin, and experience true peace. You are very clear about the goodness of the gospel. Hence, dear Christians, you must not be selfish. Do not waste your life. Every Christian owes others the gospel debt. We must prosper the gospel and build up lives of Christians. You have received salvation freely. Hence, freely give.
Making a living is tough. Our lives are getting busier and the pressure of the working life is ever increasing. At the same time, a busy life carries with it a pitfall: When we are busy with life, we could easily forget the needs of our eternal soul. The life of a person does not consist in an abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15).
How should you balance a busy work life and our responsibility to the gospel? Jesus says: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” That means that we must first fear God and do the things that please Him. Then “these things” which refer to our needs in life and all good things will “be added to you”(Matt 6:33). God’s promise will be fulfilled in the lives of those who love Him. But first, by faith, concern yourself with God’s desire which is “not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Pet 3:9). You owe man the gospel debt. Repay it.