A Call to Fellowship and Service

According to 1 Corithians 12, God has given every Christian one or more spiritual gifts, a special ability that when used in the church will bring great help and blessings to the people in church.  Not only can your gift be a blessing to the church, it is important that you use that gift because if you do not, the church will be spiritually deficient.  The consequence is serious: If the church is not spiritually vibrant, your life and that of your family will be spiritually deficient too.

We have started several important ministries: Evergreen, Adult and Young People Fellowship(s) and we need people to come forward to serve.

How Can You Help?

First, be present.  Just by faithfully being present for every meeting will already be a great encouragement to all.  More importantly, you will be definitely blessed by the fellowship and the sharing and practice of God’s Word during fellowship.

Second, invite new friends.  We are planning for programs that will be suitable and edifying not only for Christians but also for non Christians.  Programs will include topics that address the working life, relationships, family, children, etc.

Once the fellowship finalizes the programs for the year, you can then invite friends to attend programs suitable for them.  Pray and invite them.  As for the Young People Fellowship, every program is suitable for them.  Pray and invite the children and teens of your neighbours’, relatives’, friends’, etc.  Many can testify to how “Uncle or Auntie so and so brought me to church” in their baptism testimonies.

In small groups, your new friends can easily get to know others.  With prayer, love and truth as lived out by the fellowship, they can know the Lord and receive God’s precious salvation.

Third, we also need musicians, including pianists and guitarists.  If you have had a chance to learn a musical instrument, it is time to “polish your instrument” (and your skills too) and put it to good and eternal use.  If you start picking up guitar now, with a bit of hard work, you should be able to play for the fellowship in 6 months’ time.  What a joy to sing to the Lord with an instrument and so much more joy to play for all.

Fourth, we also need teachers and helpers for the Young People Fellowship.  If you have the gift of teaching or you are willing to just love and care for children and teens, you should be using your gift in the Children Sunday School and also in the Young People Fellowship.  They need your guidance.

Fifth, apart from those mentioned above, there are many other things you can do: helping to care for others and new friends, visitation, etc.  By being part of a fellowship, you will definitely have many opportunities to serve God.  So, do set aside time to come for fellowship.

We thank God for Deacons and Deaconess Shu Chang, Keli, Chin Tian and Xing Guo for their faithfulness.  Besides helping me to plan and lead the church, they also attend Prayer Meetings on Tuesdays, Teachers’ Training Classes on Thursdays, lead, chair and teach or preach in fellowship meetings.  Furthermore, they have to attend to various other church needs.  They, like you, also have a job to keep and a family to care for.  Besides them, we thank God also for many others whom I, for constraint of space, shall not name here, who serve the Lord faithfully and support various church activities quietly and yet faithfully.  Let’s all, in our own ways and as the Lord gives us time, do something for the Lord.  Jesus says: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  (Acts 20:35)